Got A Troubling Wisdom Tooth? Learn About Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Posted by Bencaz Family Dentistry Dec 14, 2023

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Got a troublesome wisdom tooth that's causing you pain and discomfort? Don't worry, you're not alone! Wisdom teeth can be quite the troublemakers, but luckily, there are solutions to help alleviate your dental woes. In this blog post, we'll dive into the world of wisdom teeth extractions - what they are, the common problems associated with them, when an extraction is necessary, and what to expect during the procedure.

What are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last set of teeth to emerge in your mouth. Typically appearing between the ages of 17 and 25, these late bloomers can be quite unpredictable. While some lucky individuals may have no issues with their wisdom teeth at all, for others, they can become a real pain - both literally and figuratively!

But why do we even have wisdom teeth in the first place? Well, our ancestors needed these extra molars to help them chew tough foods like roots, nuts, and meats. However, over time, our diets have evolved, and so have the size of our jaws. As a result, many people simply don't have enough room in their mouths for wisdom teeth to fully erupt.

This lack of space often leads to impacted or partially erupted wisdom teeth. An impacted tooth is one that remains trapped beneath the gum line or grows at an angle due to limited space. Partial eruption occurs when only part of the tooth breaks through the gum surface.

These conditions can cause a range of problems such as pain, swelling, infection around the gums or adjacent teeth, and even damage to neighboring structures like other teeth or jawbone. It's important not to ignore any discomfort you experience because leaving untreated problematic wisdom teeth could lead to more serious issues down the road.

Common Problems with Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last set of teeth to erupt in a person's mouth. While some people may not experience any issues with their wisdom teeth, others can encounter various problems that require extraction.

  • One common problem is impaction, where the wisdom tooth doesn't have enough space to fully emerge or grow in alignment with the other teeth. This can lead to pain, swelling, and discomfort. Impacted wisdom teeth can also cause crowding or shifting of adjacent teeth.
  • Infections are another issue that can arise when there isn't enough room for proper cleaning and maintenance of wisdom teeth. Bacteria and food particles can get trapped around partially erupted or impacted wisdom teeth, leading to gum inflammation (pericoronitis) or tooth decay.
  • Cysts and tumors may develop around impacted wisdom teeth if left untreated. These growths can damage surrounding bone structures or even cause more significant health complications if they become cancerous.
  • Furthermore, some individuals may experience sinus problems due to pressure from their upper wisdom teeth on the sinuses located above them. This pressure can result in headaches, congestion, and overall discomfort.

It's essential to keep an eye out for these common problems associated with wisdom teeth so that timely intervention through extractions can be performed if necessary. Regular dental check-ups and X-rays will help determine whether your wisdom teeth need attention before they cause further complications down the road.

The Procedure of Wisdom Teeth Extractions

The procedure of wisdom teeth extractions is a common dental surgery performed to remove problematic third molars. Before the surgery, your dentist or oral surgeon will conduct a thorough examination and take X-rays to determine the position and condition of your wisdom teeth.

On the day of the extraction, you'll be given local anesthesia to numb the area around the tooth. If multiple teeth are being removed or if they are impacted, general anesthesia may be used instead. Once you're comfortable, your dentist will make an incision in the gum tissue to access the tooth and bone.

Next, any necessary bone removal may be done to fully expose the tooth. The tooth may need to be sectioned into smaller pieces for easier removal. Once all pieces have been extracted, any remaining debris is cleaned out, and stitches are placed to close up the incision.

Aftercare instructions will include guidelines on pain management, swelling reduction techniques, dietary restrictions, and proper oral hygiene practices during recovery.

Remember that everyone's experience with wisdom teeth extractions can vary depending on factors such as age and complexity of impaction. It's important to follow your dentist's recommendations for a smooth recovery process.


Wisdom teeth can often become a source of trouble and discomfort. It is important to understand what they are and the potential problems they can cause. If you experience any issues, such as pain, swelling, or infection in the area around your wisdom teeth, it may be necessary to have them extracted.

Wisdom tooth extractions are common procedures that are performed by dental professionals. They involve removing one or more problematic wisdom teeth to alleviate pain and prevent further complications. The procedure itself is usually straightforward and can typically be done under local anesthesia.

If you suspect that your wisdom teeth may need extraction, it is crucial to consult with your dentist or oral surgeon as soon as possible. They will conduct a thorough examination and determine the best course of action for your specific situation.

Remember, prevention is always better than cure when it comes to dental health. Regular check-ups with your dentist and timely intervention can help identify potential issues with your wisdom teeth early on.

So don't let troublesome wisdom teeth bring you down! Seek professional advice if you suspect any problems, and take control of your oral health today!

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